Opening Hours
Advanced booking is required for all appointments.
Monday 7.10 pm - 10 pm (Studio 6.45pm - 9.30pm)
Tuesday 7.10pm - 10pm (Studio 6.45pm - 9.30pm)
Wednesday 7.10pm - 10 pm (Studio 6.45pm - 9.30pm)
Thursday 7.10pm - 10pm (Studio 6.45pm - 9.30pm)
Friday 7.10pm - 10 pm (Studio 6.45pm - 9.30pm)
Home visit start time - depends on location, but within my travel radius, please allow 20 minutes variation to booking time.
Please check the booking page for available hours.
Please contact me if you require a home visit or corporate booking outside available hours.
​Feel free to contact me if you have any enquiries.
Studio Address
White Ship Court,
AB43 6SW
Apologies if I can't always answer my phone, but please leave a voice mail, text, email, Facebook message, or use the contact box on this page, and I will do my best to respond as quickly as possible.